Green Chemistry Law Report Selected as a LexisNexis Top 50 Environmental Law & Climate Change Community Blog for 2011
Today LexisNexis announced its selection of the Top 50 Environmental Law & Climate Change Community Blogs for 2011. Verdant Law, PLLC was pleased to learn that the Green Chemistry Law Report was chosen from among a large, diverse, and competitive field of candidates. According to LexisNexis, the award “recognizes preeminent thought leaders in the blogosphere…. Most good blogs provide frequent posts on timely topics, but the authors in this year’s collective take their blogs to a different level by providing insightful commentary that demonstrates how blogs can—and do—impact the practice of environmental and climate change law.”
Philip Moffat, the Firm’s founder, said “The Firm owes a debt of gratitude to its readers. Without their support, the Green Chemistry Law Report may not have received the recognition it deserves. Verdant is a boutique law firm specializing in product risk management with a particular emphasis on sustainability and other environmental challenges. As such, I feel the Firm has a unique perspective to offer on the evolving debate over chemical regulatory reform and the green chemistry movement in the United States and elsewhere.”
A complete list of the 2011 winners is available here.