EPA’s First PFAS Clean Water Act Enforcement

On April 26, 2023, EPA announced that the Agency has taken the first federal Clean Water Act enforcement action for PFAS discharges.  The Agency ordered Chemours Company to follow corrective measures relating to exceedances of the limits set for per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in stormwater and wastewater discharges from the Washington Works facility in Parkersburg, WV.  The PFAS limits were set by in the company’s National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits.

EPA issued an administrative order on consent (AOC) for the facility for exceeding permit limits on PFOA and HFPO Dimer Acid on more than 20 dates from September 2018 to March 2023.  The exceedances were documented in the discharge monitoring reports submitted by the company to the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection – a permit requirement.  EPA also stated that Chemours was in violation of requirements for properly operating and maintaining all facilities and systems for permit compliance.  The AOC requires that Chemours take the following actions:

1) Implement a sampling plan to analyze PFAS and conduct analysis on the presence of PFAS in the stormwater and wastewater discharges.  The plan must be submitted to EPA for approval.

2) Submit and implement a PFAS treatment plan or minimizing plan to EPA for compliance with the permit limits.

3) Submit its existing Standard Operating Procedures for their management of wastewater for various systems and their revised Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan.

In its press release, EPA noted that “Administrator Regan has directed EPA staff to use every enforcement tool at our disposal to compel manufacturers of PFAS to characterize, control, and clean up ongoing and past PFAS contamination,”

The AOC can be accessed here.

EPA’s SBIR Program Showcases Small Businesses Developing Technologies to Test and Treat PFAS

This April, EPA’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program highlighted eight companies supported by the program that are developing technologies to detect, assess, and treat PFAS in the environment.

Of the eight companies, seven are pioneering technologies to remove PFAS from water, wastewater, and/or other liquids.  They utilize a variety of technological methods: Onvector LLC developed a plasma vortex reactor-based system; Claros Technologies, Inc. uses a photochemical method; and OxByEl Technologies, Inc.’s treatment relies on an electrochemical process.  One company, RemWell Inc., is working on a sonolysis reactor that will remediate PFAS in groundwater when placed in a horizontal well.  Another, BioLargo, Inc., uses an aqueous electrostatic concentrator to capture PFAS in a membrane for further treatment or disposal.

The only highlighted company that does not specialize in PFAS water treatment, Accurate Environmental Laboratories, developed a passive sampling method that determines levels of PFAS contamination in soils and sediments using diffusion.

Many of the small businesses report impressive efficacy, and some of their technologies are being applied in real-world situations.  Aquagga’s hydrothermal alkaline groundwater treatment process will soon be used for remediation projects at airports and air force bases.  Meanwhile, Cyclopure, Inc. is in the process of constructing full-scale regeneration and PFAS destruction facilities to administer its adsorbent-based PFAS water treatment.

Every year, EPA’s SBIR Program solicits technological proposals that address specific environmental topics.  Winning proposals are awarded contracts for “proof of concept” of the proposed technology and are eligible to apply for additional funding to further develop and commercialize the technology.  In five of the last six years, the program has included a PFAS-related topic in its batch of solicitations.

EPA Releases Chemical Data Reporting National Review

EPA has released its first-ever Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) National Review (“Review”), which provides a comprehensive analysis of data submitted to the Agency during the 2020 CDR reporting cycle. The report presents information about chemicals that were manufactured and imported into the US from 2016 through 2019. In its press release on the Review, the Agency stated that the document will assist stakeholders in evaluating and understanding information about the types, quantities, and uses of chemicals produced domestically or imported into the U.S.

Manufacturers and importers of chemical substances listed on the Toxic Substances Control Act (“TSCA”) Inventory are required to report data to the EPA every four years if they manufacture or import substances at or above specific thresholds unless the chemical has been exempted from the reporting requirement. Typically reporting is required when an entity manufactures or imports 25,000 pounds or more of a chemical during any year in the reporting period at any single site. Companies must report how chemicals are processed or used (industrial processing and use data), and whether they are used in commercial or consumer products (commercial and/or consumer use data) in addition to manufacturing and import volumes.

According to EPA, the CDR database is the most comprehensive source of basic screening-level, exposure-related information on chemicals that is available to the Agency. EPA uses the database to screen and prioritize chemicals for further review.

The Review summarizes data from the most recent CDR reporting cycle data (2020), covering activities from 2016 to 2019, and provides trend data for reporting over the past decade. During this reporting period, more than 7.2 trillion pounds of chemicals were manufactured or imported at 5,238 sites.

The Review provides interactive trend analysis, including an interactive map of CDR sites and characteristics of the communities in which these sites are located.  It also includes maps displaying CDR reporting sites by state, and figures with production volumes. In addition, the Review contains informational charts and figures to increase understanding of a variety of CDR data elements, such as analyses of chemical use information. Environmental justice tools from EPA’s EJScreen, the Agency’s environmental justice mapping tool, are also contained in the document.

The Review’s key findings include:

  • Of the more than 8,000 chemicals reported for the 2020 CDR reporting cycle, about 54% were manufactured domestically, and 46% were imported. This is a 10% increase in imported chemicals from the 2016 CDR.
  • Two industry sectors manufactured and imported the bulk of the volume reported to the 2020 CDR: petroleum and coal products manufacturing (64%) and chemical manufacturing (14%). Although it produced less volume than the petroleum and coal products sector, the chemical manufacturing sector produced the majority of chemicals (84%) reported to the 2020 CDR and represented nearly half (43%) of all sites.
  • 180 PFAS were reported by 57 sites for a total production volume of about 678 million pounds.
  • Of the 37 Chemicals undergoing Risk Evaluation, 33 chemicals were reported to the 2020 CDR; that is, they were manufactured or imported at above threshold volumes (2,500 lbs.) in at least one year during the reporting cycle. Thirty-four Risk Evaluation chemicals were reported in both the 2012 and 2016 reporting cycles.
  • Total production volume for the 33 TSCA Risk Evaluation chemicals was about 38 billion pounds. The volume was reported across 254 sites.
  • The number of sites that manufactured and/or imported TSCA Risk Evaluation Chemicals has increased by 40% over the past 10 years, while the manufactured and imported volumes have generally remained consistent.

EPA Releases Draft National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution

In April, EPA released the Draft National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution. This strategy document, part of EPA’s Series on Building a Circular Economy for All, outlines voluntary actions aimed at eliminating plastic waste released into the environment from land-based sources by 2040. Under this plan, EPA seeks to reduce, reuse, recycle, collect, and capture plastic waste. The draft strategy comprises three primary objectives, each focusing on different aspects of plastic pollution prevention:

Objective A: Reduce pollution during plastic production

This objective emphasizes minimizing pollution throughout the life cycle of plastic products. It encourages manufacturers and consumers to implement upstream actions such as designing products for reuse and recycling, using less impactful materials, and controlling plastic production facilities. Proposed actions include reducing the production and consumption of single-use, unrecyclable, or frequently littered plastic products, as well as minimizing pollution across the entire life cycle of plastic products.

Objective B: Improve post-use materials management

While the National Recycling Strategy identified actions to enhance recycling, this objective expands the focus to other pathways of circularity, including reuse, refill, and composting. Proposed actions involve conducting a study of existing policies and incentives to evaluate their effectiveness, developing or expanding capacity for maximizing material reuse, facilitating effective composting, increasing solid waste collection, enhancing public understanding of plastic mismanagement, and exploring ratification of the Basel Convention for environmentally sound management of scrap and recyclables.

Objective C: Prevent trash and micro/nanoplastics from entering waterways and remove escaped trash from the environment

Proposed actions include implementing policies, programs, and compliance assurance measures to prevent trash and microplastics from entering waterways, improving water management to capture trash in waterways and stormwater/wastewater systems, increasing awareness of the impacts of plastic products in waterways, and coordinating research on micro/nanoplastics.

The agency aims to gauge the importance of different actions, identify key steps and milestones for successful implementation, determine the roles and actions federal agencies should lead, and evaluate potential unintended consequences on overburdened communities. EPA also seeks input on relevant metrics and indicators to measure progress and invites recommendations for additional actions to include in the strategy.

Community Sues EPA Over Terms for Production of Petrochemical Fuel

Cherokee Concerned Citizens, on behalf of the Cherokee Forest neighborhood  a fenceline community in Pascagoula, Mississippi, has filed a petition in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit for review of a TSCA section 5(e) consent order. The consent order covers 18 chemicals that were the subject of premanufacture notifications submitted by Chevron in 2021. In its press release announcing the litigation, Earthjustice asserted that the production of these chemicals would result in air pollution that would pose a 1 in 4 cancer risk (25 % of the residents living nearby could develop cancer over their lifetime), 250,000 times greater than what the Agency typically considers unreasonable.

TSCA requires EPA to regulate the manufacturing, processing, and distribution of substances that present an unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment without consideration of costs or other non-risk factors. The Statute states that the Administrator shall issue consent orders and significant new use rules “to the extent necessary to protect against such risk.”

EPA identified skin and eye irritation; acute toxicity; systemic toxicity (neurotoxicity, body weight effects, and liver, kidney, blood, spleen, and other organ effects); reproductive and developmental toxicity; oral and inhalation portal of entry effects; genetic toxicity; and carcinogenicity as hazards of these New Chemical Substances. These hazards were identified based on the substance’s estimated physical/chemical properties by comparing them to compositionally analogous mixtures for which there is information on human health hazard, using available human hazard information on representative constituents of these New Chemical Substances, and other structural information. As is often the case with PMNs, there were no experimentally derived hazard data for these New Chemical Substances.  For a number of the substances, risks were identified for the general population (infants) for systemic and/or oral portal-of-entry effects via drinking water. Risks to adults for this exposure route were also identified. In addition, risks were identified for the general population for systemic and/or inhalation portal-of-entry effects via fugitive air inhalation for some of the substances at issue.

The consent order imposes worker protection and limitations on the distribution of the new chemical substances. It does not restrict air emissions or wastewater discharges of the substances. The Chevron facility called out by Earthjustice is permitted under the Clean Air and the Clean Water Acts.

EPA Improves ChemView

EPA uses ChemView as a means for the public to access information about chemicals under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).  The web application allows searches for information such as volumes reported to the Chemical Data Reporting Rule, Premanufacture Notification determinations, section 5(e) consent orders, health and safety studies submitted under section 8(d) and section 8(e) substantial risk reports.  Only non-confidential business information is accessible.  EPA announced they have also been working to improve ChemView to reduce the delay between when the Agency receives information and when it publishes that information – EPA is trying to achieve near real-time publication.  The Agency is also working to enhance transparency in its processes for evaluating potential risks posed by different chemicals.

EPA is required to publish certain information under TSCA section 5(d), such as the list of new chemical submissions received, microbial commercial activity notices, premanufacture notices, and significant new-use notices. Throughout 2022, EPA used ChemView to make available more than 25,000 new chemical notice records that EPA has received under TSCA section 5.  The 25,000 new chemical notice records include previously unpublished records from 2014 through 2019. EPA plans to continue publishing previously unpublished records into the future and is currently publishing new records within five days of receiving them.

As noted above, EPA also uses ChemView to publish records received under TSCA section 8, including substantial risk reports.  Throughout 2022, EPA published 3,900 substantial risk reports, including over 3,300 reports received from the beginning of 2019 through the end of 2021; all of which were previously unpublished.

EPA Proposes Methylene Chloride Ban

On April 20, 2023, EPA released a proposed rule under Section 6(a) of the Toxic Substances Control Act (“TSCA”) that would drastically limit the use of methylene chloride. Section 6(a) of the statute provides EPA authority to ban or restrict the manufacture, processing, distribution, and use of chemical substances that pose an unreasonable risk of injury to human health or the environment. EPA explains that its decision is driven by concerns about the risks posed to workers, occupational non-users, consumers, and individuals in close proximity to consumer usage. The Agency stated that it is particularly concerned about adverse health effects such as neurotoxicity, liver damage, and cancer resulting from inhalation and dermal exposure to methylene chloride.

EPA’s proposed rule seeks to “rapidly phase down” the manufacturing, processing, and distribution of methylene chloride for consumer use, as well as most industrial and commercial uses. The phase down is expected to be completed within 15 months of the effective date of the final rule. EPA’s analysis indicates that alternative products with similar cost and effectiveness to methylene chloride are generally available for most of the that the Agency intends to prohibit.

According to EPA, methylene chloride poses an unreasonable health risk, without considering costs or other non-risk factors, including an unreasonable risk to potentially exposed or vulnerable subpopulations identified as relevant in the 2020 methylene chloride risk evaluation, under specific conditions of use (“COU”). (EPA defines COU as the circumstances in which a chemical substance is intended, known, or reasonably foreseen to be manufactured, processed, distributed in commerce, used, or disposed of.) To address the unreasonable risk, EPA proposes the following restrictions:

  • Prohibit the manufacture, processing, and distribution of methylene chloride for all consumer use.
  • Prohibit most industrial and commercial uses of methylene chloride.
  • Enforce a workplace chemical protection program (“WCPP”) that includes inhalation exposure concentration limits, workplace exposure monitoring, and exposure controls for ten specific conditions of use of methylene chloride.
  • Require recordkeeping and downstream notification requirements for the manufacturing, processing, and distribution of methylene chloride in commerce.

The rule does provide an exemption to the prohibition on industrial uses for ten years for civilian aviation uses to prevent significant disruptions to critical infrastructure. This exemption will be subject to conditions such as compliance with the WCPP.  An exemption is also provided for emergency use of methylene chloride in support of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s mission. The exemption is limited to specific critical or essential conditions when no technically and economically feasible safer alternatives are available. This exemption will also require compliance with the WCPP. It too is time-limited to ten years.

EPA clarified that all COUs of methylene chloride under TSCA (except its use in consumer paint and coating removers, which was previously addressed under TSCA Section 6) will be covered by this proposal.

Regarding the WCPP for methylene chloride, EPA’s press release states that the agency collaborated with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) during the development of the proposed rule, taking into account existing OSHA requirements to ensure comprehensive worker protections. The Agency asserts that the proposed risk-based limits are based on up-to-date data and fulfill the TSCA mandate to eliminate unreasonable risks. If the rule is finalized, employers would have one year to comply with the WCPP and would be obligated to periodically monitor the workplace to ensure that workers are not exposed to methylene chloride at levels that pose an unreasonable risk.

In the Federal Register notice, EPA particularly requested comments on the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed worker protection requirements from parties that would be responsible for implementing the program. (The comment period closed on July 3.) Additionally, EPA hosted a public webinar on June 7 to present overview of the proposed regulatory action and provide an opportunity for participation in discussion on the proposed WCCP. Materials from the webinar are available on EPA’s website.

EPA Hosts CERCLA PFAS Enforcement Listening Sessions

In March, EPA hosted two public listening sessions requesting individual feedback regarding concerns about PFAS liability under CERCLA. The listening sessions follow the Agency’s August 2022 proposed rule, which would designate two of the most widely used PFAS as hazardous substances under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (“CERCLA”). EPA  has stated that the information gathered during these sessions and any written comments submitted on the topic will be reviewed and considered in drafting its enforcement and discretion policy.

The webinars each began with presentations summarizing CERCLA, detailing the potential harms of PFAS substances, and describing EPA’s plan to issue an enforcement discretion and settlement policy. In addition to comments voiced during the webinars, EPA is reviewing written comments received on the proposed rule. The Agency stated it intends to focus enforcement efforts on manufacturers, federal facilities, and other industrial parties whose actions result in the release of significant amounts of PFAS. EPA clarified that parties that resolve their liability with EPA through settlement would not be liable for third-party claims. Therefore, settlements may provide CERCLA contribution protection to some parties. The Agency’s enforcement discretion policy will be contingent on a party’s cooperation, and it retains the ability to address any situations which present imminent and substantial endangerment.

The Agency also commented on parties against which it does not intend to pursue CERCLA enforcement for PFAS contamination, including:

  • Water utilities and publicly owned treatment works;
  • Publicly owned and/or operated municipal solid waste landfills;
  • Farms that apply biosolids; and
  • Certain airports and fire departments.

EPA further commented that enforcement discretion under this policy would be limited to CERCLA and not impact EPA enforcement actions under any other applicable statute.

EPA has posted the recordings of the sessions, which can be viewed here.

EPA Publishes ANPRM Seeking Information to Assist in Consideration of Future CERCLA Regulations Regarding PFAS

On April 13, 2023, EPA published an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) seeking input and data regarding potential future hazardous substance designation under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) of a number of PFAS substances. The ANPRM identifies PFOA, PFOS, seven other PFAS and their salts and structural isomers, precursors to PFOA and PFOS, and several categories of PFAS as candidates for this designation.

EPA is requesting public input to assist in the potential development of future regulations under CERCLA Section 102(a). Section 102(a) authorizes the EPA Administrator to promulgate regulations designating as hazardous substances that, when released into the environment, may present a substantial danger to the public health or welfare or the environment. The seven PFAS for which EPA is requesting input on are:

  • Perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS), Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number (“CAS RN”) 375-73-5;
  • Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS), CAS RN 355-46-4;
  • Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA), CAS RN 375-95-1;
  • Hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid (HFPO-DA), CAS RN 13252-13-6 (sometimes called GenX);
  • Perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA), CAS RN 375-22-4;
  • Perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA), CAS RN 307-24-4; and
  • Perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA), CAS RN 335-76-2.

Regarding these seven PFAS, EPA solicited the following information:

  • Published scientific literature regarding the environmental fate and transport.
  • Information that EPA could consider in preparing an economic analysis of the potential direct and indirect costs and benefits associated with a potential rulemaking designating any of the above-mentioned compounds as hazardous substances.

Regarding information around the PFAS precursors, EPA is requesting the following :

  • Published scientific literature or data regarding the environmental degradation of the precursors to PFOA, PFOS, PFBS, PFHxS, PFNA, HFPO-DA, PFBA, PFHxA, and/or PFDA.
  • Published scientific literature that characterizes the environmental prevalence of these substances.
  • Methods for measuring these substances in environmental samples.

EPA is also requesting information to help inform its decision-making on whether to designate further PFAS groups or categories as hazardous substances under CERCLA. It is requesting information on published scientific literature that can inform whether categories of PFAS could be designated as hazardous substances:

In addition, EPA asked for input on whether there are other PFAS that the Agency could consider designating as hazardous substances in a possible future rulemaking. The ANPRM requests references to published scientific information these on the hazards for substances that commentors identify in response to this request.

EPA Receipt of Pesticide Petitions Files for Residues

Late last year, EPA published receipt of initial pesticide petitions filed regarding residues of pesticide chemicals in or on various commodities by representatives of RRStewart Consulting, LLC, Delta Analytical Corporation on behalf of Borchers Americas, Inc., Crop Enhancement, Columbia River Carbonates, BASF Corporation, American Spice Trade Association, and Interregional Research Project Number 4.  EPA intends to review the data from the petitions filed under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) to determine whether such actions are warranted.  As specified by FFDCA section 408(d)(3), 21 U.S.C. 346a(d)(3), EPA is required to publish notices regarding petitions received so that the public has an opportunity to comment on requests for the establishment or modification of regulations for residues of pesticides in or on food commodities.  The comment period for these particular petitions has closed.

The petitions include five different requests for tolerance exemptions for various chemicals. All of the exemptions requests were made under 40 CFR §180, which details the requirements for food tolerances and exemptions for pesticide chemicals in food.

RRStewart Consulting, LLC, on behalf of Aicello America Corporation, requested a tolerance exemption for residues of diglycerol.  This request is for use of the chemical as a plasticizer inert ingredient in pesticide formulations used on crops.

Delta Analytical Corporation on behalf of Borchers Americas, Inc., requested that EPA establish an exemption for .alpha.-D-Glucopyranoside, .beta.-D-fructofuranosyl, polymer with 2-methyloxirane and oxirane.  The exemption would be for use of the chemical as a pesticide inert ingredient in various pesticide formulations. The petition also requested that EPA treat the chemical as an inert ingredient in a pesticide chemical formulation for which tolerance requirements are exempted under FFDCA section 408 if the chemical use follows good agricultural or manufacturing practices.

Crop Enhancement requested a tolerance exemption for residues of the insecticide/miticide linseed oil for when use in or on all raw agricultural commodities.

Columbia River Carbonates requested a tolerance exemption for residues of the biochemical active ingredient calcium carbonate for use in or on all agricultural food commodities.

BASF Corporation, Agricultural Products requested a tolerance exemption for residues of the herbicide imazapic for use in or on rice grains at 0.05 parts per million (ppm) and in or on rice bran at 0.2 ppm.  The company also requested a tolerance exemption for the herbicide imazapyr for use in or on rice grains at 0.06 ppm and in or on rice bran at 0.2 ppm.

American Spice Trade Association requested a tolerance exemption for residues of the pesticide cypermethrin in or on raw agricultural spice commodities.  American Spice Trade Association specifically named dozens of different types of spices in its request, including anise pepper, ashwagandha fruit, batavia-cassia fruit, belleric myrobalan, and caper buds.

Interregional Research Project Number 4 requested a tolerance exemption for residues of the fungicide cyprodinil 4-cyclopropyl-6-methyl-N-phenyl-2-pyrimidinamine in or on cranberries at 0.4 ppm.