Audit Finds EPA’s New Chemicals Program Lacks Sufficient Guidance

On August 2, 2023, EPA’s Office of Inspector General (“OIG”) released a report on its audit of EPA’s New Chemicals Program. The audit identified recordkeeping and quality assurance issues with the program as administered by EPA’s New Chemicals Division (“NCD”). The audit, which began in October 2021, was conducted in response to several internal complaints submitted to OIG.

The New Chemicals Program reviews whether new chemicals or significant new uses of existing chemicals pose an “unreasonable risk” to human health or the environment under the Toxic Substances Control Act (“TSCA”). According to the report, NCD did not have finalized, up-to-date guidance for recordkeeping or for many of the steps in the new chemicals review process, contrary to EPA protocol.  OIG stated that these issues resulted from insufficient staff resources, which prevented NCD from both conducting the chemical reviews within statutory time frames and finalizing guidance for the activities composing the review process. The report also found frequent technical issues with NCD’s TSCA Confidential Business Information systems.

Some of the complaints to OIG alleged that staff were pressured to focus on deadlines rather than chemicals’ potential risks during the new chemical review process. However, OIG found no evidence of this; for example, the report notes that NCD employees were not evaluated on the speed at which they reviewed chemicals.

OIG made the following four recommendations to EPA’s Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (“OCSPP”) based on its findings:

  1. Develop a plan to regularly review NCD’s guidance documents,
  2. Develop a plan to periodically assess the effectiveness of NCD’s recordkeeping system,
  3. Develop a plan to identify the root causes of the technical issues, and
  4. Conduct periodic reviews of NCD’s workload.

OCSPP’s response, which was included in the report, agreed with each of OIG’s recommendations and proposed corrective actions in line with the recommendations.

This audit was not the first to find issues with EPA’s implementation of TSCA provisions. A 2019 GAO report identified similar issues, such as insufficient guidance and resources, with the new chemicals review process. In 2020, OIG found that EPA had missed deadlines on existing chemical risk evaluations and that EPA’s ability to meet future deadlines was at risk. EPA has since proposed a fee adjustment designed to increase TSCA fee collections. Most recently, in February 2023, GAO determined that EPA had missed most TSCA deadlines for reviewing new and existing chemicals.  In general, EPA agreed in part or in full when recommendations were made in these reports and corrective actions have been completed or are pending.

EPA Seeks Input on Expansion of the Safer Choice and Design for the Environment Programs

EPA recently solicited public comment on its proposed expansion of the Agency’s Safer Choice and Design for the Environment programs. The expansion would include certification of additional product categories; the programs are currently limited to cleaners and disinfectants. Participation in the programs by manufacturers is voluntary. The programs help consumers and businesses acquire products that meet strict criteria for effects on human health and the environment; products certified by the programs do not present a risk of harm to human health or the environment.

The proposed expansion comes as a result of increasing consumer interest in the chemicals used in products and consumers’ desire to make informed purchasing decisions. During the comment period, the Agency seeks input on which new product categories it should add to these programs and how adding these products will benefit the health of humans and the environment. All products in any category that is added will be subject to the human health and environmental toxicology criteria detailed in the Safer Choice Standard. No product containing intentionally added PFAS can be approved for either program.

EPA Releases Framework for Addressing New PFAS and New Uses Under TSCA

EPA has released the Framework for Addressing New PFAS and New Uses of PFAS. This document details the Agency’s planned strategy for evaluating Premanufacture Notices  (“PMNs”) for new PFAS compounds and Significant New Use Notices (“SNUNs”) for “new uses” of existing PFAS to ensure they do not pose harm to human health and the environment.

The Agency states that new PFAS substances present challenges for regulators, as there is frequently limited information available to assess their potential risks accurately. Many PFAS compounds are known to persist in the environment, bioaccumulate, and be toxic (known as “PBT”); the framework aims to qualitatively evaluate PFAS based on how likely they truly are to become PBTs in the body and environment.

The framework distinguishes between PFAS uses that may result in environmental releases and potential exposures and those that don’t. For example, PFAS applications that are deemed to have negligible exposure and minimal environmental release, such as in the closed systems used in the manufacture of electronics. EPA generally anticipates allowing the compounds to enter commerce after exposure data is provided.

The framework calls for more comprehensive testing, including toxicokinetic data, for PBT PFAS compounds that are expected to have a low but greater than negligible potential for environmental release and exposure. If initial testing raises concerns about exposure levels and risks, EPA will mandate further testing and risk mitigation before permitting manufacturing. This comprehensive testing would encompass physical-chemical properties, toxicity, and fate analysis. For example, uses of PFAS in spray-applied stain guards inherently involve releases into the environment. If required testing finds potential hazards, EPA has the authority under TSCA section 5 to demand additional testing and risk mitigation strategies or prohibit manufacturing entirely.

If EPA determines a new chemical substance poses an unreasonable risk, lacks sufficient risk information, or involves substantial production with potential exposure, it must issue a section 5(e) order for human health and environmental protection, which may include testing requirements. If PFAS data suggests it’s a PBT chemical and EPA anticipates exposures, the substance or significant new use could be deemed to present an unreasonable risk, therefore requiring either a section 5(f) order or an immediately effective proposed rule under TSCA section 6(a). The section 5(f) order applies to the submitter, while the 6(a) rule covers all users. For a SNUN, the 6(a) rule typically targets the specified new use. The chart below further details the possible EPA determinations and related actions following their review.

Determination Related Action
In the absence of sufficient information to permit a reasoned evaluation of risk from the substance or significant new use, the substance or significant new use may present an unreasonable risk. EPA must issue an order under TSCA section 5(e).
There is insufficient information to permit a reasoned evaluation of risk from the substance or new use. EPA must issue an order under TSCA section 5(e).
The substance or significant new use presents an unreasonable risk. EPA must take action under TSCA section 5(f).
The substance is or will be produced in substantial quantities, and there may be significant or substantial human and/or environmental exposure (exposure-based). EPA must issue an order under TSCA section 5(e).
The substance or significant new use is not likely to present an unreasonable risk. EPA notifies the submitter of its decision and publishes its findings in the Federal Register.


EPA Sued Over Herbicide Registration Renewal

On June 6, 2023, the Center for Food Safety and two other environmental groups sued EPA over the Agency’s decision to renew registrations for Enlist One and Enlist Duo, two herbicides manufactured by Corteva Agrisciences, LLC.  The case is currently pending before the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia as Center for Food Safety v. EPA.

The lawsuit alleges that EPA failed to properly evaluate the Enlist products’ risks as required by the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (“FIFRA”) and the Endangered Species Act (“ESA”) when the Agency renewed the herbicides’ registrations until 2027.  According to the plaintiffs, the herbicides cause numerous adverse environmental effects, including harm to crops growing on neighboring properties and drinking water contamination.  The plaintiffs allege that EPA understated these risks in making its decision, while overstating the herbicides’ effectiveness.  In addition, the plaintiffs argue that EPA’s decision harms the survival, growth, and reproduction of exposed plants and animals, including endangered and threatened species.  The plaintiffs ask the court to vacate EPA’s decision and to stop the sale and use of the Enlist products.

In an EPA memorandum supporting the Agency’s decision, EPA stated that it had “evaluated the benefits and risks to human health and the environment from these products’ uses, including potential risk to non-target organisms, and conducted effects determinations for federally listed endangered and threatened species.”  According to EPA, the results of its evaluations and assessments were sufficient for the Agency to conclude that granting the registration renewal met the requirements of FIFRA and ESA.  These requirements include FIFRA section 3(c)(5), which directs EPA to register a pesticide when the Agency finds that the pesticide will not generally cause unreasonable adverse effects on human health or the environment, among other criteria; ESA section 7(a)(2), which requires EPA to consult with the Fish and Wildlife Service to ensure that actions taken by EPA do not jeopardize endangered and threatened species; and ESA section 7(d), which prevents EPA from taking irreversible action during 7(a)(2) consultation that eliminates the implementation of reasonable alternatives.

Enlist Duo has previously been the subject of litigation.  In National Family Farm Coalition, et al., v. U.S. EPA, et al., 966 F.3d 893 (9th Cir., 2020), petitioners challenged EPA’s decisions to register the herbicide in 2014, 2015, and 2017 on FIFRA and ESA grounds.  The panel rejected the petitioners’ ESA claims and the majority of the petitioners’ FIFRA claims, allowing Enlist Duo registration, but agreed with the petitioners that EPA did not properly assess harm to monarch butterflies due to the herbicide’s effects on milkweed.  The panel remanded the registration decision to EPA so the Agency could assess this concern and determine whether it presented an unreasonable adverse effect under FIFRA.

According to EPA, Enlist One and Enlist Duo are registered for use in 34 states for a variety of uses on corn, cotton, and soybeans.  Both herbicides contain the active ingredient 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid choline salt.  Enlist Duo also contains the active ingredient glyphosate.

EPA Finds TCE as a Whole Chemical Substance an Unreasonable Risk to Human Health

Earlier this year, EPA announced the final revision to the risk determination for trichloroethylene (TCE) risk evaluation issued under the Toxic Substances Control Act (“TSCA”). EPA found that TCE presents unreasonable risks to the health of workers, occupational non-users, consumers, and bystanders. The risks identified include adverse human health effects unrelated to cancer, such as neurotoxicity and liver effects, from acute and chronic inhalation and dermal exposures to TCE and risks for cancer from chronic inhalation and dermal exposures to TCE. The revised risk determination supersedes the conditions of use (“COU”) specific “no unreasonable risk” determinations that the EPA previously issued in its 2020 TCE risk evaluation.

TCE is a volatile organic compound (“VOC”) used mostly in industrial and commercial processes. Consumer uses include cleaning and furniture care products, arts and crafts, spray coatings, and automotive care products like brake cleaners. EPA determined that 52 of the 54 COUs evaluated drive the unreasonable risk determination.

EPA states that it used the whole chemical risk determination approach for TCE because there are benchmark exceedances for multiple COUs spanning across most aspects of TCE’s life cycle, from manufacturing (including import), processing, commercial use, consumer use, and disposal for health of workers occupational non-users (workers nearby but not in direct contact with this chemical), consumers, and bystanders. EPA holds that this approach is appropriate because the health effects associated with TCE exposures are “severe and potentially irreversible,” including developmental toxicity, reproductive toxicity, liver toxicity, kidney toxicity, immunotoxicity, neurotoxicity, and cancer. EPA notes that the revised risk determination for TCE does not reflect an assumption that workers always and appropriately wear personal protective equipment (PPE). EPA states that as it moves forward with a risk management rulemaking for TCE, it will “strive for consistency with existing OSHA requirements or best industry practices when those measures would address the identified unreasonable risk.

Additionally, EPA stated it is conducting a screening-level approach to assess potential risks from the air and water pathways for several of the first 10 risk evaluation chemicals, including TCE. The goal of the screening approach is to evaluate the surface water, drinking water, and ambient air pathways for TCE that were excluded from the 2020 risk evaluation and to determine if there are risks that were unaccounted for in that risk evaluation. EPA expects to describe its findings regarding the chemical-specific application of this screening-level approach in its proposed risk management rule for TCE.

Hearing Announced on EPA’s Intent to Cancel Chlorpyrifos Pesticide Registrations

On June 21, 2023, EPA announced that a public hearing will be held in response to objections and hearing requests following EPA’s issuance of a Notice of Intent to Cancel (“NOIC”) pesticide registrations for three products containing chlorpyrifos. The hearing will begin at 9 a.m. on January 8, 2024, and will continue as necessary through January 11, 2024.

The objections and hearing requests following the NOIC came from a collection of grower groups and a producer of chlorpyrifos products. The petitioners are currently challenging EPA’s 2021 final rule, which revoked all tolerances for chlorpyrifos, in the Eighth Circuit case Red River Valley Sugarbeet Growers Association et al. v. Regan. The petitioners argue that EPA should stay or withdraw the NOIC until the pending case is decided.

EPA’s NOIC was the result of over a decade of efforts to ban chlorpyrifos use. In 2007, two non-profit organizations filed a petition requesting that EPA revoke all tolerances and cancel all registrations for chlorpyrifos, pointing to studies showing neurotoxic, developmental, endocrinal, and carcinogenic effects in humans and animals as a result of exposure. EPA did not take final action on the petition until it denied the petition in 2017, concluding that the science behind the effects of exposure remained unresolved.  In 2021, the Ninth Circuit vacated EPA’s decision in League of United Latin Am. Citizens v. Regan. The court held that EPA had abdicated its statutory duty under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act by failing to update the tolerances for chlorpyrifos despite its inability to conclude, to the statutory standard of reasonable certainty, that present tolerances caused no harm. The court ordered EPA to grant the 2007 petition and modify or revoke the tolerances accordingly. EPA opted to revoke all tolerances in the final rule.

In the ongoing case, Red River Valley Sugarbeet Growers Association et al. v. Regan, the grower groups and the chlorpyrifos producer argue that the final rule was arbitrary and capricious due to EPA’s disregard for safe chlorpyrifos uses. The petitioners observe that shortly before the final rule was published, EPA completed a human health assessment that found that chlorpyrifos use on eleven crops in select regions was safe. By refusing to act on its own evidence, the petitioners assert that EPA disregarded its statutory mandate to review the safety of tolerances using current science.

According to EPA, chlorpyrifos was registered for use in the U.S. beginning in 1965. At the time of the final rule, chlorpyrifos was registered for use on fruit and nut trees, many types of fruits and vegetables, and grain crops.

EPA Proposes Ban on Perchloroethylene

Using its authority under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), EPA has released a proposed rule to ban the use of perchloroethylene (“PCE”) for most commercial and industrial uses. (PCE is also referred to as perc and tetrachloroethylene.) PCE is used in a number of applications and industries, including petroleum manufacturing, aerosol degreasing, and dry cleaning.

The proposed rule follows the Agency’s assessment of the risk to human health presented by the substance. EPA conducted a risk evaluation of the substance under TSCA section 6(b). That assessment determined that PCE, as a whole chemical substance, presents an unreasonable risk of injury to human health as PCE exposure causes a variety of adverse health effects. PCE is a known carcinogen; it also causes neurotoxicity, including impaired visual and cognitive function. Various other health effects were noted by the risk evaluation, including central nervous system depression, kidney and liver effects, immune system toxicity, and developmental toxicity.

Under TSCA section 6(a), EPA is required to address, by rule, any unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment found during a TSCA risk evaluation. Section 6(a) also requires the Agency to identify actions necessary to ensure the chemical does not continue presenting an unreasonable risk by either a) implementing “a requirement [either] prohibiting or otherwise restricting the manufacturing, processing, or distribution in commerce of such substance or mixture,” or b) “limiting the amount of such substance or mixture which may be manufactured, processed, or distributed in commerce.” To meet these requirements, EPA is proposing to prohibit the manufacture, import, processing, and distribution of PCE for a number of commercial and consumer uses, such as in dry cleaning, spot-cleaning operations and degreasing. The prohibition allows a 10-year phaseout period.

The Agency will still permit limited use of PCE for some uses, particularly those which help its efforts in addressing climate-damaging hydrofluorocarbons (an initiative happening under the American Innovation and Manufacturing Act of 2020). PCE will also be used in uses that are important for national security applications or to meet other critical national needs. In these cases, EPA would require the implementation of a PCE workplace chemical protection program. The chemical protection program would include requirements to meet an inhalation exposure concentration limit and prevent direct dermal contact. The Agency has also put forward prescriptive requirements for laboratory use, recordkeeping, and downstream notification.

EPA will permit certain time-limited exemptions from the ban for certain critical or essential emergency uses of PCE when no alternative is technically or economically feasible safer alternative is available.

EPA Finalizes TSCA CBI Rule

On June 7, 2023, EPA finalized a rule (88 Fed. Reg. 37155) that puts forth new and amended requirements for parties asserting confidential business information (“CBI”) claims under the Toxic Substances Control Act (“TSCA”). The new rule details specific procedures for the regulated community to submit and support CBI claims and for the Agency to review CBI claims and communicate their determinations to submitters. Additionally, the rule reorganizes existing provisions of the CBI regulations.

The following are the most substantial changes to procedures for submitting and supporting CBI claims under TSCA:

Substantiation Requirements Applicable at Time of Submission

The rule requires that confidentiality claims be asserted and substantiated at the time of submission; substantiation data requires submissions of supporting statements and certification, including but not limited to asserting that the party has taken reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of the information, and a reasonable basis to believe that the information is not readily available through reverse engineering. (40 CFR 703.5(a)).

Supporting Statement and Certification

Certification of CBI claims is required at the times the statements are submitted.  Submitters will be required to answer a number of questions, many or all of which have been used for some time in EPA’s CBI substantiation templates and certain CDX submissions (e.g., CDR).  Submitters should note that certifications are submitted under penalty of perjury; any knowing and willful misrepresentation is subject to criminal penalty pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1001.

Electronic Reporting

The final rule mandates that short of very limited exceptions, all CBI claims must be submitted electronically. This requirement is detailed in 40 CFR 703.5(f). Parties should be particularly conscious of this with TSCA Section 8(e) reporting, notifications under TSCA Section 12(b), and polymer exemption notices under TSCA Section 5 because this rule is the first mandating these types of reporting are to be done electronically.

Requirement to Report Health and Safety Information Using Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (“OECD”) Harmonized Templates

Under the final rule, health and safety information must be provided using OECD harmonized templates. This is in addition to existing requirements that require submitters to provide a full study report. According to the Federal Register notice, the Agency will elaborate on instructions for including OECD harmonized template files (e.g., currently acceptable file types and IUCLID software versions). This requirement can be found at 40 CFR 703.5(g).

Maintenance and Withdrawal of Confidentiality Claims

EPA is requiring that, going forward, company contact information be kept up to date through CDX. When contacting a submitter concerning confidentiality claims, EPA will contact the submitter either through CDX directly or using the contact information provided by the submitter in CDX. When a confidentiality claim is being reviewed, a notice of the review and opportunity to substantiate or re-substantiate the confidentiality claim will be sent to the submitter using the information provided in CDX. Often, this will be done by sending the submitter an email from a CDX account notifying them that a document is available for download from CDX, which is why it is particularly important to have up-to-date information within the CDX platform. The details of this requirement are within 40 CFR 703.5(h).

EPA has also detailed the process for voluntarily withdrawing confidentiality claims submitted either in CDX or by other means. (40 CFR 703.5(i)). For CDX-submitted claims, the submitters must remove confidentiality markings, revise their documents, and resubmit these documents in CDX. For submissions not originally submitted through CDX, there is now a process for withdrawing the CBI claims through CDX using document-identifying details.

EPA Exempts Categories of Genetically Engineered Plant-Incorporated Protectants from Regulatory Requirements

On May 31, 2023, EPA published a final rule exempting two categories of plant-incorporated protectants (PIPs) created using genetic engineering from certain Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) registration requirements and from food or feed residue tolerance requirements under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA).  In addition to reducing regulatory burden, EPA stated in a press release that the final rule may result in increased research and development in this sector and provide more pest control options for farmers, ultimately reducing the use of conventional pesticides.

PIPs are defined (in part) at 40 CFR 174.3 as “pesticidal substance[s] that [are] intended to be produced and used in a living plant, or in the produce thereof, and the genetic material necessary for production of such a pesticidal substance.”  In 2001, EPA exempted PIPs derived through conventional plant breeding from FIFRA registration and FFDCA food tolerance requirements, but did not exempt PIPs created using biotechnology.  Because of recent scientific advances, however, EPA writes that PIPs “can now be created through genetic engineering that are virtually indistinguishable from those created through conventional breeding.”  The final rule adds exemptions for the following two categories of genetically engineered PIPs, which EPA states pose no greater risk than PIPs created through conventional breeding:

  1. PIPs in which genetic engineering has been used to insert a gene from a sexually compatible plant or to modify a gene to match a gene found in a sexually compatible plant. This category of PIPs requires EPA confirmation of eligibility for the exemption.
  2. Loss-of-function PIPs, in which a gene is modified through genetic engineering to reduce or eliminate the activity of that gene. The loss of the activity of that gene then results in the pesticidal effect.  For this category of PIP, biotechnology developers can either make a self-determination that their PIP meets the exemption criteria, which requires notification but no EPA review, or request EPA confirmation of eligibility for the exemption.

Exempted PIPs are still subject to the adverse effects reporting requirements at 40 CFR 174.71 and recordkeeping requirements.

In the preamble to the final rule, EPA established that the Agency is open to considering additional PIP category exemptions and expanding the categories of PIPs that are allowed to self-determine without EPA confirmation of their eligibility exemption.

EPA Report: Pesticide Products Test Negative for PFAS

EPA has released a summary of its findings from a test of 10 pesticide products that reportedly contained PFAS.  While a previous study in the Journal of Hazardous Materials detected PFAS in over half of these pesticide products, EPA’s laboratory concluded that PFAS substances were not present.

EPA’s study employed two different testing methods.  The first method was the same method used in the previous study, and the second was a newly developed testing method specifically designed to detect the presence of PFAS in pesticide products formulated with surfactants.  According to the Agency, one of the most important differences between the testing methods is that the new testing method eliminates interference from oils and surfactants which can sometimes result in false positive detections.

The previous study discovered PFOS in six of the 10 tested pesticides, which are all insecticides commonly used to treat cotton.  Non-targeted techniques suggested that additional PFAS species were present in seven of the 10.  However, despite testing the same samples tested in the previous study, EPA’s study did not find evidence of PFOS or 28 other types of PFAS above the testing instrument’s background levels.

EPA writes that concern over PFAS contamination in pesticides arose in 2020, when the Agency learned of potential contamination in “a small number of mosquitocide products.”  In 2021, EPA preliminarily determined that the PFAS in those products were most likely formed during their containers’ fluorination process.  In 2022, EPA notified the fluorinated container industry of this concern and later released a study evidencing that PFAS can leach into pesticide products through these plastics.  More information on that study can be found in a previous Verdant Law blog post.