Consent Agreement Reached in Ultium Cells and General Motors TSCA Enforcement Action
The U.S. EPA Environmental Appeals Board ratified a consent agreement for EPA’s TSCA enforcement action against Ultium Cells and General Motors Company on November 20, 2023. In February 2023, Ultium Cells and General Motors Company (collectively referred to as Respondents), voluntarily disclosed potential TSCA violations to the Agency under EPA’s Incentives for Self-Policing: Discover, Disclosure, Correction and Prevention of Violations (Audit Policy). In their disclosure, the companies reported that they may have imported three substances that were not listed on the TSCA Inventory.
The consent agreement identifies the following TSCA violations:
- Section 5(a)(1). Failure to submit a PMN at least 90 days before manufacturing (importing) new chemical substances for non-exempt commercial purposes.
- Section 13(a)(1)(B). Failure to submit proper [import] certifications under section 13 of TSCA prior to importing new chemical substances.
- Section 15(2). Processing and use of new chemical substances that Respondents knew or had reason to know were manufactured, imported, processed, or distributed in commerce in violation of TSCA Section 5.
Following their disclosure, in March 2023, Respondents filed premanufactures notices (PMNs) on the three substances at issue.
EPA assessed civil penalties of more than $650,000. The companies received Audit Policy credit for the PMN and Import Certification violations, and a substantial portion of the 15(2) counts. However, penalties were assessed for continued processing and use of the chemical substances during the time after the companies submitted PMNs for the substances, but before the PMNs cleared EPA review.
Under the terms of the consent agreement, the companies were allowed to import, process, use, and distribute the chemical substances at issue while EPA finalizes a TSCA section 5(e) Consent Order for the substances under the condition that they follow the requirements of the Compliance Plan specified by the agreement. Requirements of the Compliance Plan include no release to water and respiratory protection with an APF of at least 1000.