Irene Hantman and Philip Moffat Present on Green Marketing at PSX 2024

Verdant Law is pleased to announce that Irene Hantman and Philip Moffat presented on green marketing and product stewardship at the PSX 2024 conference in Denver.  Their October 16 presentation covered greenwashing, US regulation of green marketing, and enforcement and litigation.

Green marketing is on the rise, partly because consumers are willing to pay more for “green” products. However, many green marketing claims are overstated.  In the presentation, Ms. Hantman and Mr. Moffat described the various ways in which green marketing claims can be misleading and the potential consequences of deceptive marketing.

Special focus was given to the Green Guides, guidance published by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) that helps advertisers avoid making unfair or deceptive claims.  While the Green Guides are non-binding, they provide insight into what advertising claims the FTC may determine to be illegal.  The presentation noted that the FTC is considering whether the Green Guides should be codified as rules and whether the commission should revisit its guidance for terms like “recyclable” and “degradable.”

The presentation also covered notable enforcement actions and litigation pertaining to green marking, including California’s recent suit against ExxonMobil for deceptive public messaging about plastic recycling.  Ms. Hantman and Mr. Moffat concluded by emphasizing the importance of developing green marketing claims that are clear, specific, and substantiated with evidence.

PSX is an annual conference hosted by the Product Stewardship Society.  According to its website, PSX is “the most comprehensive leadership forum for strategies that guide product stewardship professionals in an ever-changing global economy.”  Ms. Hantman serves on the PSX Conference Program Committee.

If you have any questions about the presentation, please contact Ms. Hantman or Mr. Moffat.