EPA Reopens Consultation on TSCA Small Manufacturer and Small Processor Definition
The EPA reopened its consultation with the public regarding the definition of “small manufacturer” and “small processor” under the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act, which amends the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).
TSCA, as amended, requires EPA to review the size standards for small manufacturers and processors, which are currently used in connection with reporting regulations under TSCA Section 8(a). EPA preliminary decided that a revision in the size standards was warranted, but it wanted the public’s input as well. As such, EPA requested public comment on whether a revision of the current size standard definitions is necessary. It also requested a consultation with the Small Business Association to review the definition.
The comment period ended in January, but EPA is now accepting further comment on this issue until May 24, 2017.