EPA Grants First ‘Conditional’ Approval Under TSCA Reform
EPA recently approved a new chemical additive subject to the conditions of the polymer exemption criteria. The Agency found that the chemical substance is “not likely to present an unreasonable risk” under TSCA (5(a)(3)(C)), so long as it meets the requirements of the polymer exemption as described under 40 CFR §723.250(e)(1). Specifically the Agency found that the substance presents both a low human hazards and a low environmental hazard. The requirement that “the chemical must be manufactured such that it meets the polymer exemption criteria” gives little insight into restrictions that EPA might impose on future conditional approvals.
EPA’s Determination for Premanufacture Notice explains that although the agency estimates that the new chemical substance will be very persistent, it is unlikely that the chemical substance would present an unreasonable risk, given that it has low potential for bioaccumulation, low human health hazard, and low environmental hazard. The Determination’s discussion of potential exposures is particularly interesting. The Agency explained that, although the exposure to a new chemical substance is potentially relevant to whether a new chemical substance is likely to present unreasonable risks, EPA did not estimate the exposure. The Agency elected not to estimate exposure because the substance present low health and environmental hazard. The Determination concludes that, “Due to low hazard, EPA believes that this chemical substance would be unlikely to present an unreasonable risk even if exposures were high.”
The name of the substance was claimed confidential business information, as was the manufacturers name. The generic substance name is 2–alkenoic acid, 2–alkyl–, alkyl ester, polymer with 2–alkyl 2–propenoate and a-(2–alkyl-1-oxo-2-alken-1-yl-[iquest]-alkoxypoly(oxy-1,2-alkanediyl), ester with a–2–alken–1–yl–[iquest]–hydroxypoly(oxy–1,2–alkanediyl).
The approval, announced online on May 12, 2017, was the first time EPA has approved a new chemical with a condition since the Toxic Substances Control Act was amended in June 2016.