EPA Finalizes TSCA CBI Rule

On June 7, 2023, EPA finalized a rule (88 Fed. Reg. 37155) that puts forth new and amended requirements for parties asserting confidential business information (“CBI”) claims under the Toxic Substances Control Act (“TSCA”). The new rule details specific procedures for the regulated community to submit and support CBI claims and for the Agency to review CBI claims and communicate their determinations to submitters. Additionally, the rule reorganizes existing provisions of the CBI regulations.

The following are the most substantial changes to procedures for submitting and supporting CBI claims under TSCA:

Substantiation Requirements Applicable at Time of Submission

The rule requires that confidentiality claims be asserted and substantiated at the time of submission; substantiation data requires submissions of supporting statements and certification, including but not limited to asserting that the party has taken reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of the information, and a reasonable basis to believe that the information is not readily available through reverse engineering. (40 CFR 703.5(a)).

Supporting Statement and Certification

Certification of CBI claims is required at the times the statements are submitted.  Submitters will be required to answer a number of questions, many or all of which have been used for some time in EPA’s CBI substantiation templates and certain CDX submissions (e.g., CDR).  Submitters should note that certifications are submitted under penalty of perjury; any knowing and willful misrepresentation is subject to criminal penalty pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1001.

Electronic Reporting

The final rule mandates that short of very limited exceptions, all CBI claims must be submitted electronically. This requirement is detailed in 40 CFR 703.5(f). Parties should be particularly conscious of this with TSCA Section 8(e) reporting, notifications under TSCA Section 12(b), and polymer exemption notices under TSCA Section 5 because this rule is the first mandating these types of reporting are to be done electronically.

Requirement to Report Health and Safety Information Using Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (“OECD”) Harmonized Templates

Under the final rule, health and safety information must be provided using OECD harmonized templates. This is in addition to existing requirements that require submitters to provide a full study report. According to the Federal Register notice, the Agency will elaborate on instructions for including OECD harmonized template files (e.g., currently acceptable file types and IUCLID software versions). This requirement can be found at 40 CFR 703.5(g).

Maintenance and Withdrawal of Confidentiality Claims

EPA is requiring that, going forward, company contact information be kept up to date through CDX. When contacting a submitter concerning confidentiality claims, EPA will contact the submitter either through CDX directly or using the contact information provided by the submitter in CDX. When a confidentiality claim is being reviewed, a notice of the review and opportunity to substantiate or re-substantiate the confidentiality claim will be sent to the submitter using the information provided in CDX. Often, this will be done by sending the submitter an email from a CDX account notifying them that a document is available for download from CDX, which is why it is particularly important to have up-to-date information within the CDX platform. The details of this requirement are within 40 CFR 703.5(h).

EPA has also detailed the process for voluntarily withdrawing confidentiality claims submitted either in CDX or by other means. (40 CFR 703.5(i)). For CDX-submitted claims, the submitters must remove confidentiality markings, revise their documents, and resubmit these documents in CDX. For submissions not originally submitted through CDX, there is now a process for withdrawing the CBI claims through CDX using document-identifying details.

EPA Releases Chemical Data Reporting National Review

EPA has released its first-ever Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) National Review (“Review”), which provides a comprehensive analysis of data submitted to the Agency during the 2020 CDR reporting cycle. The report presents information about chemicals that were manufactured and imported into the US from 2016 through 2019. In its press release on the Review, the Agency stated that the document will assist stakeholders in evaluating and understanding information about the types, quantities, and uses of chemicals produced domestically or imported into the U.S.

Manufacturers and importers of chemical substances listed on the Toxic Substances Control Act (“TSCA”) Inventory are required to report data to the EPA every four years if they manufacture or import substances at or above specific thresholds unless the chemical has been exempted from the reporting requirement. Typically reporting is required when an entity manufactures or imports 25,000 pounds or more of a chemical during any year in the reporting period at any single site. Companies must report how chemicals are processed or used (industrial processing and use data), and whether they are used in commercial or consumer products (commercial and/or consumer use data) in addition to manufacturing and import volumes.

According to EPA, the CDR database is the most comprehensive source of basic screening-level, exposure-related information on chemicals that is available to the Agency. EPA uses the database to screen and prioritize chemicals for further review.

The Review summarizes data from the most recent CDR reporting cycle data (2020), covering activities from 2016 to 2019, and provides trend data for reporting over the past decade. During this reporting period, more than 7.2 trillion pounds of chemicals were manufactured or imported at 5,238 sites.

The Review provides interactive trend analysis, including an interactive map of CDR sites and characteristics of the communities in which these sites are located.  It also includes maps displaying CDR reporting sites by state, and figures with production volumes. In addition, the Review contains informational charts and figures to increase understanding of a variety of CDR data elements, such as analyses of chemical use information. Environmental justice tools from EPA’s EJScreen, the Agency’s environmental justice mapping tool, are also contained in the document.

The Review’s key findings include:

  • Of the more than 8,000 chemicals reported for the 2020 CDR reporting cycle, about 54% were manufactured domestically, and 46% were imported. This is a 10% increase in imported chemicals from the 2016 CDR.
  • Two industry sectors manufactured and imported the bulk of the volume reported to the 2020 CDR: petroleum and coal products manufacturing (64%) and chemical manufacturing (14%). Although it produced less volume than the petroleum and coal products sector, the chemical manufacturing sector produced the majority of chemicals (84%) reported to the 2020 CDR and represented nearly half (43%) of all sites.
  • 180 PFAS were reported by 57 sites for a total production volume of about 678 million pounds.
  • Of the 37 Chemicals undergoing Risk Evaluation, 33 chemicals were reported to the 2020 CDR; that is, they were manufactured or imported at above threshold volumes (2,500 lbs.) in at least one year during the reporting cycle. Thirty-four Risk Evaluation chemicals were reported in both the 2012 and 2016 reporting cycles.
  • Total production volume for the 33 TSCA Risk Evaluation chemicals was about 38 billion pounds. The volume was reported across 254 sites.
  • The number of sites that manufactured and/or imported TSCA Risk Evaluation Chemicals has increased by 40% over the past 10 years, while the manufactured and imported volumes have generally remained consistent.

Community Sues EPA Over Terms for Production of Petrochemical Fuel

Cherokee Concerned Citizens, on behalf of the Cherokee Forest neighborhood  a fenceline community in Pascagoula, Mississippi, has filed a petition in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit for review of a TSCA section 5(e) consent order. The consent order covers 18 chemicals that were the subject of premanufacture notifications submitted by Chevron in 2021. In its press release announcing the litigation, Earthjustice asserted that the production of these chemicals would result in air pollution that would pose a 1 in 4 cancer risk (25 % of the residents living nearby could develop cancer over their lifetime), 250,000 times greater than what the Agency typically considers unreasonable.

TSCA requires EPA to regulate the manufacturing, processing, and distribution of substances that present an unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment without consideration of costs or other non-risk factors. The Statute states that the Administrator shall issue consent orders and significant new use rules “to the extent necessary to protect against such risk.”

EPA identified skin and eye irritation; acute toxicity; systemic toxicity (neurotoxicity, body weight effects, and liver, kidney, blood, spleen, and other organ effects); reproductive and developmental toxicity; oral and inhalation portal of entry effects; genetic toxicity; and carcinogenicity as hazards of these New Chemical Substances. These hazards were identified based on the substance’s estimated physical/chemical properties by comparing them to compositionally analogous mixtures for which there is information on human health hazard, using available human hazard information on representative constituents of these New Chemical Substances, and other structural information. As is often the case with PMNs, there were no experimentally derived hazard data for these New Chemical Substances.  For a number of the substances, risks were identified for the general population (infants) for systemic and/or oral portal-of-entry effects via drinking water. Risks to adults for this exposure route were also identified. In addition, risks were identified for the general population for systemic and/or inhalation portal-of-entry effects via fugitive air inhalation for some of the substances at issue.

The consent order imposes worker protection and limitations on the distribution of the new chemical substances. It does not restrict air emissions or wastewater discharges of the substances. The Chevron facility called out by Earthjustice is permitted under the Clean Air and the Clean Water Acts.

EPA Proposes Methylene Chloride Ban

On April 20, 2023, EPA released a proposed rule under Section 6(a) of the Toxic Substances Control Act (“TSCA”) that would drastically limit the use of methylene chloride. Section 6(a) of the statute provides EPA authority to ban or restrict the manufacture, processing, distribution, and use of chemical substances that pose an unreasonable risk of injury to human health or the environment. EPA explains that its decision is driven by concerns about the risks posed to workers, occupational non-users, consumers, and individuals in close proximity to consumer usage. The Agency stated that it is particularly concerned about adverse health effects such as neurotoxicity, liver damage, and cancer resulting from inhalation and dermal exposure to methylene chloride.

EPA’s proposed rule seeks to “rapidly phase down” the manufacturing, processing, and distribution of methylene chloride for consumer use, as well as most industrial and commercial uses. The phase down is expected to be completed within 15 months of the effective date of the final rule. EPA’s analysis indicates that alternative products with similar cost and effectiveness to methylene chloride are generally available for most of the that the Agency intends to prohibit.

According to EPA, methylene chloride poses an unreasonable health risk, without considering costs or other non-risk factors, including an unreasonable risk to potentially exposed or vulnerable subpopulations identified as relevant in the 2020 methylene chloride risk evaluation, under specific conditions of use (“COU”). (EPA defines COU as the circumstances in which a chemical substance is intended, known, or reasonably foreseen to be manufactured, processed, distributed in commerce, used, or disposed of.) To address the unreasonable risk, EPA proposes the following restrictions:

  • Prohibit the manufacture, processing, and distribution of methylene chloride for all consumer use.
  • Prohibit most industrial and commercial uses of methylene chloride.
  • Enforce a workplace chemical protection program (“WCPP”) that includes inhalation exposure concentration limits, workplace exposure monitoring, and exposure controls for ten specific conditions of use of methylene chloride.
  • Require recordkeeping and downstream notification requirements for the manufacturing, processing, and distribution of methylene chloride in commerce.

The rule does provide an exemption to the prohibition on industrial uses for ten years for civilian aviation uses to prevent significant disruptions to critical infrastructure. This exemption will be subject to conditions such as compliance with the WCPP.  An exemption is also provided for emergency use of methylene chloride in support of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s mission. The exemption is limited to specific critical or essential conditions when no technically and economically feasible safer alternatives are available. This exemption will also require compliance with the WCPP. It too is time-limited to ten years.

EPA clarified that all COUs of methylene chloride under TSCA (except its use in consumer paint and coating removers, which was previously addressed under TSCA Section 6) will be covered by this proposal.

Regarding the WCPP for methylene chloride, EPA’s press release states that the agency collaborated with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) during the development of the proposed rule, taking into account existing OSHA requirements to ensure comprehensive worker protections. The Agency asserts that the proposed risk-based limits are based on up-to-date data and fulfill the TSCA mandate to eliminate unreasonable risks. If the rule is finalized, employers would have one year to comply with the WCPP and would be obligated to periodically monitor the workplace to ensure that workers are not exposed to methylene chloride at levels that pose an unreasonable risk.

In the Federal Register notice, EPA particularly requested comments on the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed worker protection requirements from parties that would be responsible for implementing the program. (The comment period closed on July 3.) Additionally, EPA hosted a public webinar on June 7 to present overview of the proposed regulatory action and provide an opportunity for participation in discussion on the proposed WCCP. Materials from the webinar are available on EPA’s website.

EPA Finds TCE as a Whole Chemical Substance an Unreasonable Risk to Human Health

Earlier this year, EPA announced the final revision to the risk determination for trichloroethylene (TCE) risk evaluation issued under the Toxic Substances Control Act (“TSCA”). EPA found that TCE presents unreasonable risks to the health of workers, occupational non-users, consumers, and bystanders. The risks identified include adverse human health effects unrelated to cancer, such as neurotoxicity and liver effects, from acute and chronic inhalation and dermal exposures to TCE and risks for cancer from chronic inhalation and dermal exposures to TCE. The revised risk determination supersedes the conditions of use (“COU”) specific “no unreasonable risk” determinations that the EPA previously issued in its 2020 TCE risk evaluation.

TCE is a volatile organic compound (“VOC”) used mostly in industrial and commercial processes. Consumer uses include cleaning and furniture care products, arts and crafts, spray coatings, and automotive care products like brake cleaners. EPA determined that 52 of the 54 COUs evaluated drive the unreasonable risk determination.

EPA states that it used the whole chemical risk determination approach for TCE because there are benchmark exceedances for multiple COUs spanning across most aspects of TCE’s life cycle, from manufacturing (including import), processing, commercial use, consumer use, and disposal for health of workers occupational non-users (workers nearby but not in direct contact with this chemical), consumers, and bystanders. EPA holds that this approach is appropriate because the health effects associated with TCE exposures are “severe and potentially irreversible,” including developmental toxicity, reproductive toxicity, liver toxicity, kidney toxicity, immunotoxicity, neurotoxicity, and cancer. EPA notes that the revised risk determination for TCE does not reflect an assumption that workers always and appropriately wear personal protective equipment (PPE). EPA states that as it moves forward with a risk management rulemaking for TCE, it will “strive for consistency with existing OSHA requirements or best industry practices when those measures would address the identified unreasonable risk.

Additionally, EPA stated it is conducting a screening-level approach to assess potential risks from the air and water pathways for several of the first 10 risk evaluation chemicals, including TCE. The goal of the screening approach is to evaluate the surface water, drinking water, and ambient air pathways for TCE that were excluded from the 2020 risk evaluation and to determine if there are risks that were unaccounted for in that risk evaluation. EPA expects to describe its findings regarding the chemical-specific application of this screening-level approach in its proposed risk management rule for TCE.

EPA Releases Proposed Approach for Considering Cumulative Risks Under TSCA

EPA recently released two documents regarding cumulative risk assessments under TSCA section 6, Draft Proposed Principles of Cumulative Risk Assessment Under the Toxic Substances Control Act, and Draft Proposed Approach for Cumulative Risk Assessment of High-priority Phthalates and Manufacturer-Requested Phthalate under the Toxic Substances Control Act. The first document details a set of principles for evaluating the cumulative risk of substances under TSCA; the second document presents a proposed approach for applying those principles to the evaluation of the cumulative risk posed by certain phthalate chemicals which are currently undergoing TSCA section 6 risk evaluation.

In the  Draft Proposed Principles of Cumulative Risk Assessment Under TSCA, EPA explained that it plans to alter its approach to individual substance evaluations under TSCA section 6 by taking a cumulative assessment approach when appropriate. Previously, the Agency looked at the risks posed by a single substance under its specific conditions of use. The Agency now intends to implement a new approach to evaluating human health effects, which it believes is more appropriate when considering human exposure to these substances. People are often exposed to many chemical substances with similar effects at the same time, and looking at the combined exposure health risk will paint a more complete picture. The Agency believes that this approach will allow for more effective mitigation of identified unreasonable risks and provide particularly useful information for communities that face higher than normal levels of chemical pollution.

Phthalates will be subjected to a cumulative risk assessment because the group of substances has similar effects on human health and has generally been found concurrently in the human body. The phthalates to be assessed as a group include DEHP, BBP, DBP, DIBP, DCHP, DINP, and DIDP. The chemical group is often used in industrial and consumer products to make plastics more flexible and durable. The draft proposal requests comment and peer review on its assessment that six phthalate substances are toxicologically similar, and the U.S. population is frequently co-exposed to these substances, making a cumulative risk assessment the most appropriate course of review action under TSCA.

The Agency is accepting comments on these documents through April 28, 2023.

Verdant Law Presents on Chemical Regulatory Framework and Implications for Product Design

This month Verdant Law founder Phil Moffat traveled to Orlando, Florida, to present at the International Consumer Product Health and Safety Organization (ICPHSO) 2023 Annual Meeting and Training Symposium. Mr. Moffat’s presentation discussed the implications of chemical regulation for product design.

The presentation outlined recent trends in the chemical regulatory landscape, including EPA’s PFAS reporting rule, state regulations banning PFAS in children’s toys, flame retardants, and other products, and state PFAS labeling and reporting rules. The presentation discussed the risk of regrettable substitutions from both human health and environmental perspectives, as well as from a product efficiency perspective. (An example of decreased product efficiency could be removing PFAS used to waterproof a product may decrease the product’s efficiency if the replacement doesn’t repel water as well.) It also addressed risks associated with introducing multiple versions of the same product into commerce. In addition, Mr. Moffat covered risks of regulatory noncompliance, including penalties, seizures, recall, and market backlash, as well as risks of legal liability. The presentation recognized that the regulatory framework could be incredibly difficult for companies to navigate.

If you would like to view the presentation, it can be found here. For questions or assistance with regulatory compliance for consumer and industrial products, please contact Verdant Law.

EPA Updates New Chemical Review Program Webpage to Increase Transparency

In December 2022, EPA announced updates to its New Chemicals Review Program website to include additional information and metrics on the Agency’s review of new chemicals and significant new uses.  In the announcement, the Agency stressed its commitment to increasing efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency through the chemical review process. To progress in this goal, the website will now include:

  • A more detailed breakdown of new chemical submissions, including a month-by-month count of new chemical submissions, completed risk assessments, and completed risk management actions for all notices and exemptions.
  • Greater details and explanations on each step of the review process. This includes “the extent to which the submitter has provided additional information during the review period – subsequent to the original submission – and the level of effort needed to potentially rework some or all of the risk assessment as a result” and applicability of new approaches developed by the Agency to standardize reviews for certain new chemicals.
  • A status tracker for new chemical exemptions (e.g., Low Volume Exemptions (LVEs) and Test Market Exemptions (TMEs)).

According to EPA, the new website will be updated monthly.

EPA Releases White Paper on Modernizing the Process and Bringing Innovative Science to Evaluating New Chemicals Under TSCA

EPA recently released a white paper, The New Chemicals Collaborative Research Program: Modernizing the Process and Bringing Innovative Science to Evaluate New Chemicals Under TSCA. The document was produced as a summary report to the Board of Scientific Counselors as an integrative research plan under the 2023-2026 Chemical Safety for Sustainability (CSS) Strategic Research Action Plan. This plan seeks to address concerns by both industry and environmental organizations, including the significant lag in EPA’s review of new chemicals, lack of transparency in the process, and insufficient consideration of potential hazards. In addition, the plan would allow EPA’s staff to use new scientific methods to analyze chemical impacts on humans and the environment.

Under TSCA, chemical manufacturers have not been required to provide chemical hazard data in their PMN applications. Under the proposed new processes, data on toxicity, exposure, chemical use, and other databases, in conjunction with computer-based analysis methods, would make chemical reviews easier for the Agency. The plan will focus on five key research areas:

(1) Updates and refinements to chemical analog and category approach.

(2) Development and expansion of databases containing TSCA chemical information.

(3) Development and refinement of predictive models for physiochemical properties, environmental fate/transport, hazard, exposure, and toxicokinetics.

(4) Integration and application of in vitro New Approach Methodologies (NAMs).

(5) Development of a TSCA new chemicals decision support tool that utilizes curated data.

Using these NAMs, the Agency hopes to fill information gaps and address the challenges of its current framework.

Petition to Remove Polyvinyl from EPA’s Safer Choice and Safer Chemical Ingredients List

On November 15, 2022, BlueLand and Plastic Pollution Coalition filed a petition with EPA on behalf of itself and numerous non-profit organizations fighting plastic pollution and climate change, requesting that EPA require health and environmental testing and regulation of polyvinyl alcohol under TSCA, and that the substance be removed from EPA’s Safer Choice and Safer Chemical Ingredients lists. TSCA section 21 permits any person to petition EPA to initiate a proceeding for the issuance, amendment, or repeal of a rule or order under TSCA section 4 (rules or order requiring chemical testing), section 5(d) or (f) (orders affecting new chemical substances) section 6 (rules imposing regulatory controls on chemicals), and section 8 (rules requiring information).

Polyvinyl alcohol, also referred to as PVA or PVOH, is commonly used in consumer-packaged goods, including laundry and dishwasher detergent pods and sheets. PVA is a petroleum-based polymer that serves as the thin layer of plastic film on these pods. The film dissolves in the water during a washing machine or dishwasher cycle. However, the PVA itself does not; tiny pieces of plastic debris called microplastics are contained in the wastewater.

Microplastics are suspected of contributing to plastic pollution in oceans and waterways. A recent study detailed in Degradation of Polyvinyl Alcohol in US Wastewater Treatment Plants and Subsequent Nationwide Emission Estimate stated that approximately 75 % of PVA from these pods persists through conventional wastewater treatment, ultimately ending up in waterways and ecosystems. Additionally, microplastics have been found in human food and water sources, the human bloodstream, and human breast milk.

The petition argues that under TSCA (15 U.S.C 2603), EPA has the authority to and should require extensive health and environmental safety testing of PVA once it is released into ecosystems and waterways. The petition also requests that PVA be removed from EPA’s Safer Chemicals Ingredient List developed by EPA’s Safer Choice Program; the list arranges chemicals by functional-use class to help manufacturers find safer chemical alternatives than traditional chemicals that meet the criteria of the Safer Choice Program. The petition argues that based on PVA’s bioaccumulative and persistence qualities, when applied to the Safer Choice Program’s guidance on polymers, PVA does not meet the requirements to be listed.